Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Two-Step

Two steps forward...
Everett had a good morning yesterday! It all started with a blueberry muffin that was almost as big as our favorite patient!

After breakfast came play-time. Everett takes this job very seriously. After all, not all pretend doctors have to take care of their patients before nap time!

Finally, Everett got the most fun news of all! Staff decided it was high time for this little guy to get his very first wagon ride around the halls of the hospital. Both Mommy and Everett were psyched to see some new sights beyond the confines of their hospital room.

After a morning of good spirits, healthy appetites, and smiles all around, the doctor came to help Everett with his daily dialysis. And that's where things got less smiley.

Two steps back...
It became apparent early in the dialysis process yesterday that blood clots were going to be a problem. Again. Poor dialysis means Everett is puffy, swollen, and not feeling his best.

The doctors also came with a one-two punch when they delivered the news that, because the bacteria that caused the HUS is still undiscovered, Everett must remain in isolation. That means: no more wagon rides, masks for the staff and Mom, and worst of all, no visitors. Everett's grandmas, Cindi and Sharon, and his brothers, Jaiden and Cooper, were really looking forward to a visit. But the doctors' new orders means those plans have been put on the back burner, for now.

Everett's doctors are busy growing a culture of the bacteria that Everett's immune system overreacted to, causing the HUS. Once they know the source of the illness, they'll be able to determine how best to treat it. So, our fingers are crossed that those little cells grow fast and furious, so that the docs can kick those bad bacteria to the curb.

In the meantime, Heather is waiting to hear from a representative from Travis Air Force Base. Hopefully, due to the circumstances, she will receive orders as a non-medical attendant from the military, thereby issuing her an allotted sum of money for living expenses. (Don't forget, you can help, too!)

And so, for now, we're back to "wait and see." Mommy and Everett are passing the time as best they can. Hopefully, there will be more smiles and play time today. But one thing's for sure...with his snazzy new haircut, Everett is bound to be the most handsome fella on the floor.

Please keep sending well-wishes, warm thoughts and prayers their way! 

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